Shovel Knight unearths April 29 Xbox One launch


Get ready to battle some toads

Shovel Knightis now available on PlayStation Network, andDestructoid’s illustrious reviews tycoon Chris Carter is as fond of the game as ever, giving us the scoop on the new versions and theKratosboss fight.

Maybe you’re more of the Microsoft persuasion, though. Well then, you’re in luck. The blue burrower will be digging his way to Xbox One next Wednesday, April 29, Yacht Club Games has announced. And in case you’ve been living under a rock, that version of the game includes a duel with Rare’s iconic Battletoads.

The development team also provided updates on the title’s upcoming expansion content, which is still “coming soon.” Also in the works is a Japanese localization, which figures to be a big hit with the burgeoning indie scene over there. No word on who is publishing the title in Japan, but the studio promises more details to come.

Destructoid recently chatted with Yacht Club Games on the latest episode of Podtoid, our videogame news podcast. So please give that a listen for more information on all things Shovel Knight.

Out Now On PlayStation! Xbox One Date, Japan, Updates, and Lullabies?[Yacht Club Games]