Sine Mora EX for Nintendo Switch dated for release this month


The fur flies once again

THQ Nordic have announced that their time-based Euro-shmup Sine Mora EX will be getting a Switch release in North America this month, with a European launch to follow in October.

The bullet-hell shooter, in which time is both the ultimate weapon and foe, sees a group of anthropomorphic resistance fighters embark on a series of paradoxical suicide missions in order to reverse the aftermath of a genocide. Despite the arcade action and furry cast, its pretty dark stuff.

The Switch EX release of Digital Reality’s 2012 classic features local co-op, an English dub option (though it really adds to the atmosphere if you play with its original Hungarian soundtrack) and a selection of modes, including Races, Boss Practice and Dodgeball.

Sine Mora EX, currently available on Sony platforms, Xbox One and PC, will launch on Switch September 26 in the U.S. and October 10 in Europe and the U.K.