Someone made movie posters for fake Nintendo films and they are brilliant


Some of these characters really are unhinged

Every once in a while you come across a situation where an out-of-context Marioseries character would fit perfectly. Comedian Spettacomedy found over 50 of those occasions, and put them on fake movie posters.

Although many of them are romantic comedies, dramas, or dramedies involving Mario and Peach, there’s plenty of room for Star Fox and his crew to shine, as well as Yoshi, Link, Donkey Kong, Luigi, Pauline and Zelda. A few of my favorites include Baby [Mario]Driver, and Face/Off, starring Luigi and Waluigi.

Several even have subtle little details: like the Balloon Challenge DLC balloons in the Luigi/Patch Adamsmashup. I think I’ve seen every film on the list. It’s been a while since I caught Scream 3on TV while doing something else!

Nintendo Movie Posters [Imgur]