Square Enix apes Street Fighter in 'Ultimate Fight Final Fantasy XIV'


Not real, sadly

Last night Square Enix hosted a Japanese live event for Final Fantasy XIV, and among a few announcements, it showed off a hilarious trailer for “Ultimate Fight Final Fantasy XIV.” In a clear nod to the Street Fighter series, it features multiple combatants from FFXIV‘s story set to the tune of a fighting game. Square reminded us that yes, it is fake, and not a feature for the MMO.

In other realnews, the new FFXIVbenchmark, which supports DirectX 11, will hit the PC version on Monday ahead of the June 23 launch of the Heavenswardexpansion. Check it out in the trailer below. I’ve been biding my time with the game, having maxed out six characters with a decent amount of high-end raid gear — I know that when the expansion hits I’ll want to max out all three new classes.

There’s only so much time in the world!

[Thanks Oridan]