Square Enix says it'll prioritize the Nintendo Switch over the Xbox Scorpio


They also talk about doubling down on DLC

While publishers like Ubisoft are dragging their feet when it comes to the Switch (the only thing out and on the horizon are old ports), others are going in two feet first. One such company is Square Enix, who announced multiple games during the Switch’s launch stream (new and old), and is poised to release the coveted Seiken Densetsu collection on the platform later this year.

When asked by Japanese outlet Nikkei whether or not they will consider keeping up the pace, all signs point to “yes.” In addition to talking about how successful DLC has been for them (especially for Final Fantasy XV), they also interestingly note that Japan, China, and North America are 80% of the smartphone market (the Middle East and India are next on the docket), they’re most interested in developing products for the Switch. When asked whether or not any new platforms, including the Scorpio or Windows 10 updates or Google’s Tango system have priority, Square Enix responded with “Switch,” and that they want work more with it in the future.

It’s all good news for Nintendo, for sure. Even if some western organizations aren’t sold yet, Japan is investing heavily in the Switch to help facilitate its success.

Square Enix [Nikkei via NeoGAF]