Star Wars Battlefront is giving out double XP


This Friday through Monday

Well, they don’t call it XP, exactly, but you know what I mean!

With Force Awakens fresh on our mind this week, Star Wars Battlefront is holding a “double score” event. Between December 18 at 1:00am Pacific and December 21 at 1:00am Pacific, players can earn extra points, which means faster ranking and more credits to spend on unlocks.

Good timing. Kyle was just asking me if I still play Battlefront and whether or not he should get it. My answer was something like “Well, no, I’m taking a break, but only because I’m trying to check out a bunch of notable games I missed earlier in the year. I’ll get back to it. And I wouldn’t recommend paying more than $40” (which is the current price on PSN, hence the original question).

I have a long way to go to earn the Twi’lek character, so I’ll likely take advantage of this bonus.

Welcome to Star Wars: The Force Awakens Double Score Weekend in Star Wars Battlefront [EA]