Stop playing Street Fighter Alpha 2, three more costumes are arriving in Street Fighter V


None for Chun-Li this time, though

Although the allure of a selection of amazing Street Fighter titles are likely occupying the free time of series fans the world over right now, Capcom don’t want you to forget about the current iteration, Street Fighter V, and are releasing three more DLC costumes for you to purchase.

Spiffy new duds are arriving today for troublesome rich gal Karin, age-shifting ninja Zeku and devious assassin, Vega. The “Professional” costumes seem to reflect past-times related to each characters’ heritage. Zeku gets a traditional Kabuki theatre costume, while Vega gets a stylish matador outfit. Karin gets a tennis-playing ensemble, I guess because her heritage is being rich as fuck.

The new costumes should be available to purchase right now, at the regular price of around $4 each. You can check out the snazzy otfits in the gallery below, although I wonder how Zeku looks when he pops V-Trigger and reverts to his younger self? Street Fighter V is available now on PS4 and PC.