Story of Seasons gets one of the lamest trailers of all time


This trailer needs some definite work

Story of Seasons and Natsume’s Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley (full story on that debacle here) are undoubtedly two games that I’m looking forward to play on my 3DS the most, but with trailers like these, it’s as if XSEED just doesn’t care about drumming up interest at all. There’s no gameplay, a few static images that scroll across the screen, and absolutely no information about the game to entice buyers into playing it. Why should we care? Why is this something we’ll want to pick up this winter?

I’m not quite sure what your angle is on this, XSEED, but given the fact that the game is already a thing in Japan and we have several gameplay shots and whatnot, I feel like this trailer should be much, much meatier. As for you, dear readers, check out Natalie of Tomopop’s preview for some additional information on the game since this trailer is so barebones. Maybe we’ll get a better one in the future.