Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tags with Street Fighter for anniversary spirit event


The Spirit of Satsui no Hado, that is…

As a part of its 35th anniversary celebration, Capcom has announced that Street Fighter will be hosting a brief crossover spirit event within Nintendo’s super-popular button-basher Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

The event — which kicks off tomorrow, January 14 — will see the nefarious Evil Ryu appear as part of a time-limited Spirit Battle. Naturally, as one of the greatest and strongest fighters on the planet, Evil Ryu is rocking a four-star “Legendary” status, so Smash Bros. players will have to bring their A-game if they wish to topple the Satsui no Hado-infused master and claim his “spirit” for their collection — a spirit that surpasses even Akuma himself in terms of offensive capability.

In addition, previously available Street Fighter-based spirits will appear with more frequency during the course of the anniversary event, which will remain live for several days before ending on Wednesday, January 19. So if you’re looking to fill gaps in your World Warrior spirit collection, now is the time to stock up.

While Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is now officially “complete” in regards to its base and DLC content, it’s good to see that new events such as this Street Fighter anniversary shindig will still be popping up from time to time to keep players in the ring and throwing fists. As a reminder, the time-limited spirits from October 2021’s Metroid “Spirits of Dread” event are also back in circulation. So get out there, get bustin’, and get that compendium completed.

【スピリッツイベント】俺より強いやつと大乱闘 ストリートファイター35周年出現スピリッツスピリッツ名:殺意の波動に目覚めたリュウ種類:アタッカー階級:LEGENDスキル:腕攻撃強化出典:ストリートファイター シリーズ#スマブラSP

— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) January 12, 2022