Tales from the Borderlands Episode 4 out next week


Have some screenshots

From the announcement of the “crowd-play” event at PAX Prime, we knew Tales from the Borderlands: Escape Plan Bravo was imminent. I figured the event attendees would have advance knowledge and the rest of us would get it the following week, but it looks like it will be available to the public soon. Very soon, actually; it’s out next week.

Upon reflection, it makes sense. Players will be able to experience their own personal permutation of the story alone, then go on to PAX to be rowdy and have fun without having the core experience spoiled.

This penultimate episode is taking the whole crew up to Helios. Some of Vallory’s henchmen are along to keep Rhys and Fiona from doing anything stupid, so a good chunk of the cast is present. It looks like Fiona and Sasha’s caravan is the transportation used to launch into orbit, so Scooter is there too, presumably to help with the modifications.

Some other goofy bits show up in the smattering of screenshots Telltale sent along. The group admires a statue of Butt Stallion while wearing Handsome Jack masks. Or is that the real Butt Stallion?

Tales from the Borderlands: Escape Plan Bravo should release on Tuesday, August 18 for PC and PlayStation platforms, with mobile and Xbox versions coming out in the following days.