Team Fortress 2sdays: Chicken Ballet


Bawk Bawk Bawk!

Ever since Holmes showed off the amazing looking Chickensword, I’ve had cocks on the brain. I mean I usually have them on the brain, but never this fowl. Maybe I need to take a beak from all this madness. It’s just hard to give a cluck with everything going on lately. Maybe I should just forget about my ruffled feathers though. Watch you yolks play some Team Fortress 2. It’s like poultry in motion after all. I think I’ll do that. It sounds eggscellent.

So what is TF2sday?

Every Tuesday, a ton of folks from all across Destructoid hop on to the community server to play, talk, and shoot each other. It’s usually a pretty crazy good time, and almost always involves various melee only matches between a handful of classes. So feel free to jump on and join us sometime!

New to TF2sday?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Any and all Dtoiders are welcome, so please don’t be shy. If there is ever something wrong, or if you need to contact one of the server admins, please see below, all admin names and links to their Steam profile is listed.

AdminsHank HillSwishieeDFFasio_Vita

Server InfoIP: Port:27015

TimeEarly Match: 5 PM PST | 8 PM ESTLate Match: 9 PM PST | 12 AM EST

Map Listcp_gravelpitcp_dustbowlcp_granarycp_wellcp_badlandspl_goldrushcp_fastlanectf_turbinepl_badwatercp_steelcp_egypt_finalpl_cashworks_final1pl_hoodoo_finalkoth_sawmillkoth_nucleuskoth_viaductcp_yukon_finalkoth_harvest_finalcp_freight_final1pl_upwardplr_hightowerpl_thundermountaincp_coldfrontcp_degrootkeepcp_5gorgepl_frontier_finalplr_nightfall_finalkoth_lakeside_finalpl_barnblitzcp_gullywash_final1cp_foundrykoth_kingcp_process_finalcp_standin_finalarena_badlandsarena_lumberyardarena_ravinearena_watchtowerarena_offblast_finalarena_wellkoth_probedcp_shirokoth_trainsawlaser_rc1