Team Fortress 2sdays: Countdown to an update…maybe


Team Fortress 2

Happy Tuesday!

Welcome to another exciting edition of Team Fortress 2sdays. In the event you missed it last week, our very own Andrew S. Dixon Esquire 3rd was on Between 2Fort, talking and answering questions while trying not to get shot in the face (not unlike his night job.. ohhhh..).

Here’s Shadow with the details:

So the other night I ran a Star Wars version of Dungeons and Dragons reenacting the famous trench run from episode IV. The session was a resounding success, although nearly everyone died, it was also the first time I had ever touched the greatness that isroll20. Hopefully the rest of the campaign will go well. On a completely different note, the new episode ofBetween2Fortis up. We had Mr Andy Dixon on and it was a great lot of fun, so feel free to go ahead and check it out.Finally, as you may have noticed, there is a new countdown clock ticking away ever so slowly over What’s it for? Why is there a tv monitor? Who was phone??? In any case, if you have any comments, questions or concerns, feel free to sound out below or get in touch with any of the admins.

Thanks, Shadow. So there you go, hit the link above to listen to Andy talk and talk and talk and talk…oh god, he never stops talking….

So what is TF2sday?

Every Tuesday, a ton of folks from all across Destructoid hop on to the community server to play, talk, and shoot each other. It’s usually a pretty crazy good time, and almost always involves various melee only matches between a handful of classes. So feel free to jump on and join us sometime!

New to TF2sday?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Any and all Dtoiders are welcome, so please don’t be shy. If there is ever something wrong, or if you need to contact one of the server admins, please see below, all admin names and links to their Steam profile is listed.


Shadow2398(Hank Hill)SwishieeDF(DoomsDayForte)Fasio_Vita

Server Information:IP: Port:27015

Early Match:5pm Pacific | 8pm EasternLate Match:9pm Pacific | 12am Eastern

Map List


Now with more maps!

plr_panickoth_traingridkoth_wubwubwub(Caution: This map contains flashing lights, like no other!)

Hope to see you all there!