The absolute disrespect of relegating NieR Replicant to the Game Awards pre-show


It deserves better!

With regard to events, the prefix pre-almost always indicates something is lesser-than. Are more people watching the Super Bowl or the Super Bowl Pre-Show? What’s more interesting: Pre-loading your game or playing your game? There’s exactly one pre-that’s better than the main event, and that’s pre-gaming before going out drinking. A night out is almost always less fun than the eight at-home drinks that precede it.

That’s why it’s criminal to putNieR Replicant Ver. 1.22474487139 on the Game Awards pre-show. You know it’ll be better than — let’s guesstimate conservatively — 75 percent of the stuff that’s shown on the proper show.

Don’t miss a brand new look at @NieRGame Replicant ver.1.22474487139 during #TheGameAwards pre-show on Thursday — streaming at 6:30 pm ET / 3:30 PM PT at

— Geoff Keighley (@geoffkeighley) December 8, 2020

Anyway, more NieR Replicantis coming our way on Thursday — just earlier in the day than is justified. Good things come to those who wait except for in this very specific case. The good stuff shows up first this time.