The Amazon Fire TV is getting a few much-needed upgrades


This thing plays games, you know

As a device, I really like thethe Amazon Fire TV. In many ways I use it more than my Roku 3, mostly due to the ability to play more interesting games from time to time with the native controller. It’s also getting a heap of upgrades today, most of which elevate it above the competition.

First off, you can now expand your storage space via USB, just like on the Xbox 360. Given the small on-board storage, this is pretty much a requirement for storing bigger games. Another new feature is “Wi-Fi portal” support, which allows you to utilize hotel or dorm Wi-Fi connections that require login credentials. A godsend if you travel.

Also, Bluetooth headphones are being supported (aping the Roku remote headphone jack), X-Ray is available on the Fire TV (IMDb on-screen prompts show you various information), and Prime music playlists are in. All in all it’s a massive and welcome update. I may game a bit more on it with the expanded space.