The tale of Final Fantasy VI in kickass fresco form


Orioto is an art GOD

If you love videogame art, it would be criminal not to know who Mikaël “Orioto” Aguirre is. He is a French digital artist known for his spectacular renderings of notable videogame scenes painted using the brush of the gods. You’ve no doubt seen some of his work before even if you don’t recognize him by name. In fact, I use this sparkling number as the wallpaper for my mp3 player!

His most recent masterpiece is an assembly of several key events in Final Fantasy VI. Created in 120 hours over the course of two months, it contains references to the prologue, the Ultros battle, Locke’s rescue of Celes, the famous Opera scene, and more. And this is just the first part of a three-piece set! Madness!

If you want to purchase a print of this awesome sauce, you can order it from here, but you only have until September 2. Orioto previously sold prints of similar frescoes for Quackshot and Sonic the Hedgehog. Not anymore, regrettably! At least there are still other works you can buy.

FFVI Fresco (part 1) by Orioto [deviantART]