The Wii Sports theme is still a complete banger, and this video proves it


When that last part comes in…

Wii Sports was an utter phenomenon.

Your grandma played it. Your neighbor probably played it. All in the before times of course: no I’m talking about when everyone’s Wii was hooked up! 2006 was a wild year for Nintendo, when their plans for living room domination were finally realized. When Wii Sports and Wii Fit were crushing it,and the Wii would go on to be their best-selling home console of all time.

This video from willyj1234 brings up back to those simpler times: when we’d leave the game running to hear a Wii theme (or the eShop music!). “The band writing the ‘Wii Sports‘ theme song and knowing it’s a banger,” is all you really need to know going into the below vided.

My Wii U is perpetually hooked up, so I’m game to go back and at least listen to the theme myself in the near future. That’s right, I still use it! I’m not sure when I’ll ever pack it in, even as the next generation arises.

[Thanks Bob!]

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The best video game music of all time. #music #song #funny

A post shared by Will Anderson (@willyj1234) on Sep 29, 2020 at 2:11pm PDT