The Wonderful 101 gets a digital price drop on the Wii U


Also, Wario and Ninja Gaiden 3

If you haven’t playedThe Wonderful 101 yet, now is a perfect time as the game has dropped in price to $30 on the Wii U eShop.You’ll also be able to pick up Game & Wario and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge for the same price — digitally of course.

$30 may be too rich for a lot of people to bite on Wario, but I heartily enjoyed it for what it was — especially if you play it with a group of people. Ninja Gaiden 3on the other hand is probably only worth half of that pricedrop entry fee, even with all the Wii U fixins.

The Wonderful 101 Saving Wallets on Wii U eShop [Nintendo Life]