This Bloodborne comic is too cool for still images


Do the pics change with high insight?

The hunt is a wonderful, terrible thing. A sentiment perfectly captured in this gorgeous, lightly animated Bloodborne webcomic, The Master of the League.

You ever run into something that just leaves you wondering “how the hell have I never heard of this before?” That’s exactly how I felt when someone linked me to the wonderful Lordran and Beyond.How the heck have I missed this gem for so long? Lordran and Beyond is an on-going “series” of Dark Souls and Bloodborne related comics. But rather than tease out some long-winded plot or try to retell the events of the game, the comic is divided into separate small, charming, and often sad, stories from the world of From Software’s games. They’re fantastic.

It’s like they saw me yapping about how I don’t read many webcomics anymore and wanted to make a liar out of me.