Two more maps are hitting Titanfall 2 next week


Marked for Death mode will soon return from the original game

As a nice follow-up to that recent Titanfall 2 DLC roadmap, Respawn has shared its plans for the next free update, “A Glitch in the Frontier,” which will bring out the tranquil map Glitch and the more claustrophobic Live Fire-specific map Deck. Both arrive on April 25, 2017, along with:

  • M.R.V.N. Faction
  • Marked for Death game mode. We’ll be introducing this as a featured mode around the launch of Glitch in the Frontier update.
  • Update to the Main Menu
    • We spruced things up a bit with a new look and tiles for news and other cool stuff we want you to check out.
  • Max Gen increase for Pilots
    • You will now be able to Gen to 100.
    • New Gen icons for your callsign. You will receive a new one for each 10 gens you achieve.
  • Ability to choose between Prime and regular executions for Titans
  • New execution: Get to the Point [Pulse Blade]
  • Live Fire mode added to Private Match options

Gosh these people have a talent for cutting trailers that make me want to play more.

Frontier News Network 04.18.2017 [Titanfall]