(Update) Pokemon Go update adds tracking for some players


Also other minor fixes and iOS battery saver mode is back

[Update: Turns out Niantic wasn’t joking about the tracking test being for a subset of users as the below video demonstrates a new system that many players in San Fransico and some other major cities are seeing. On top of the new sightings menu is a nearby system that shows Pokémonexact locations if they are close to a nearby Pokéstop.

.@PokemonGoApp / @PokeVisionGo / @YangCLiu HERE IS A VIDEO FOR THOSE ASKING. ? pic.twitter.com/wivcskufdV

— Jackson Palmer (@ummjackson) August 9, 2016

Nearby Pokémon are shown when inside new circles that surround Pokéstops, similar to the one that pulses around your avatar. Also if you tap on a nearby Pokémon to track and it despawns, you’ll now receive a pop-up letting you know.

Sounds like this is what fans have been asking for. Now, if only it would roll out worldwide.]

A new Pokémon Go update just released and tracking is back, at least for some players. According to the patch notes (shown below), Niantic is “currently testing a variation of the Nearby Pokémon” feature with a subset of users. During this period you may see some variation in the nearbyPokémon UI.”

In true Niantic fashion, no detailed information has been provided to tell you if you are in that subset of users or not. However, my nearby menu is now called “sightings” and monsters have images of grass behind them. Players on reddit believe that your sightings menu will now only showPokémonwithin 100 meters of your location, and updates far faster meaning you can more easily suss out where creatures are than in previous weeks.

Other fixes include a popup warning players about playing while in a car, properly working experience rewards for curve balls and good throws, the ability to change your trainer name once, and reinstatement of the iOS battery saver mode, as well as minor text changes and the addition of images of the team leaders. Valor for life, Instinct sucks, as always.

Check out the full patch notes and tracking in the gallery.