Vampyr needs to sleep a little longer, delayed to spring 2018


The Vampyr Delayer

Garlic, wooden stakes, the sun — these are all things that vampires must avoid. For one specific vampire, “fall release dates” can be added to the list.

Dontnod Entertainment’s Vampyrhas been pushed back from late 2017 to spring 2018. In a press release from publisher Focus Home Interactive, Dontnod CEO Oskar Guilbert says that a now-resolved technical issue is the reason for the delay. While the hiccup shifted the schedule, there’s now extra time at the end of the development cycle for additional “polishing and balancing.”

And that’s perfectly okay! The commonplace mindset about delays in recent years is something akin to “they’re fine if it means the video game is better off for it.” Besides, it has been nearly three years since we first heard about Vampyr, so what’s another few months? Vampires live for like a thousand years so it makes sense that they move at a little slower pace.