WayForward clears their Kickstarter goal for Shantae


Half-Genie Hero is fully funded and happening

Although things were looking a bit iffy for WayForward’s first Kickstarter, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero is fully funded, and is now on their way to reach their stretch goals. As of the time of this writing $410,000 has been raised, and the first (and likely only feasible) goal is Risky Mode, which allows you to play an entirely new campaign as Risky — Shantae’s arch nemesis.

Further goals include bonus chapters, new costumes, more characters, and mystery goals. If you’re interested, you can head to the Kickstarter page and nab a key for the game upon release for $15. As a Shantae fan, I’m really glad this one hit the mark. Unlike Mighty No. 9 which needs an extremely high amount of funds to come to the PS4 and Xbox One, Shantae HD will literally be coming to every platform but the 3DS.