Where Cards Fall tackles teenage angst


Teen time

There’s a certain sense of longing that comes with being a teenager. Every moment feels larger than your youthful existence; each thought a piece of the puzzle called growing up. Adolescence is the waking limbo of human life, where the transition from childhood wonder to the grind of adulthood is a trial in and of itself.

Where Cards Fall aims to capture the whimsy of teenage life. The narrative-driven puzzler challenges players to navigate the fragile bonds of youth by building houses of cards from character interactions and pointed memories.

Remembering the tender moments of your teenage years through the sharp lens of adult responsibilities might make them seem inconsequential. But Where Cards Fall, based off of its most recent trailer, tackles youth’s massive weight with dreamy respect. During the short trailer — which establishes a Fall 2017 release on PC, Mac, Apple TV, iPhone, and iPad — houses of cards are rise from the ground, paving not only the way forwardbut also containing vignettes that serve as puzzles.

According to developer The Game Band, Where Cards Fall’s houses and the puzzles they contain, “bring vivid memories of adolescence to life.” It’s a game-y take on a well-worn metaphor, but the idea of constructing, toppling, and moving on from house to house works well within the framework of a coming-of-age story that “explores how our most fragile memories of the past can become the strongest foundations of our future.”