Who wants matchmaking in Team Fortress 2? It's coming!



Brace yourself: Matchmaking, is — finally — coming to Team Fortress 2.

After submitting a list of feature requests and bugs to the TF2 development team, a group of fans from TeamFortress.tvwere invited to Valve to discuss what features the competitive community would most like to see in further updates.

To their surprise, their most wanted features — a CS:GO-style stream list integrated into the main game menu and matchmaking, amongst a list of bug fixes — were already on Valve’s radar.

It’s early days — I don’t think we’ll be getting an update rolled out any time yet — but the guys from TeamFortress.tv were “still all wide awake with excitement”, and hope to share more in the next few days.

Matchmaking is coming to Team Fortress 2 [PC Gamer]