Who wants to try Evolve for free?


PS4 players are excluded. Sorry!

If you’ve been on the fence aboutEvolve, here’s your chance to try-before-you-buy — developerTurtle Rock Studios is making the game free to play on PC and Xbox One this coming weekend (that’s September 4 and 5, 2015).

Uh, there’s no similar promotion for the PlayStation 4, I’m afraid. No, I don’t understand why not, either. Sad face.

Naturally, you won’t get open access to everything, but you will get to play with four monsters, five modes, 18 hunters and 19 different maps. You’ll also get the chance to try out the DLC, with Season One available on Saturday, September 4 and Season Two on Sunday, September 5, and check out character variant Meteor Goliath.

If you decide to buy the game during the weekend, you’ll get to save any progress you made, too.

In our reviewof Evolve, we said that “ifyou can find four people who are willing to sign a blood pact to convene for a ritual night ofEvolveonce or twice a week, then by all means enjoy the hunt. If not, you have to ask yourself if you are really prepared to deal with the peaks andfrequentvalleys of the experience. Personally, I think there are better ways to spend your time than gambling on a decent match.”

So: who’s tempted to give Evolve a try?

Evolve to Hold Free Weekend on PC, Xbox One [IGN]