Yet another Super Smash Bros. patch is on the way


1.1.6 for Wii U and 3DS

The Smash team is done with DLC on Wii U and 3DS. Finito.

Unless there’s a secret NX version in the works (which is highly likely given their strategy with Zelda), we’ve gotten all we can get content-wise. But thankfully some skeleton crew is working tirelessly while Sakurai rests, fixing up the occasional blip and balance issue.

That includes a brand new 1.1.6 update that’s coming sometime this month, which clocks in at 61MB on Wii U and 325 MB on 3DS. From that info there likely won’t be any massive alterations, but it’s something to be aware of all the same.

Super Smash Bros. [Nintendo via Siliconera]