Remember Ouya? Well its back, in Razer form!


I totally forgot

Man, the Ouya!

It feels like just yesterday they were killing it on Kickstarter and fumbling their way to securing multiple investments, much to the ire of their backers. You could see the writing on the wall at that point, when they announced annual hardware revisions before backers even had their first kits. Also, they released one of the worst commercials of all time, which was a bummer. In any case, it was interesting to see this pretty cool ideacrash and burn underJulie Uhrman (who is now with JauntVR, a “premium” VR experience company).

Because it was all a blur, I totally forgot that Razer swooped in any acquired all of their assets, and plan to revive the platform under their own umbrella.

One of the next steps after promoting That Dragon, Canceris Mimic Arena, which is out today on the Razer Forge TV, Android TV, Amazon Fire TV, and the NVIDIA Shield from “Ouya Publishing.”It’s a neat looking arena game, and seems to fit the pick up and play nature of the platforms well.