You can nab the entire ARMA series for $20 at Humble Bundle


ARMA III Karts, included!

Humble Bundle is at it again with another enticing bundle to add to your backlog. This time, you’ll be able to nab the entire Arma series for $20, though you can opt for a lower tier if you already have some of these games. What really sweetens the deal is that the ridiculous Arma 3 Karts is included, which is tempting me to pluck down a Jackson on this.

For some odd reason, at the time of writing the “Beat the Average” tier is actually more expensive than the third tier. I’m guessing a lot of people are putting down $20 to nab Arma 3 Apex, thus increasing the average price. Whatever the case, you’ll get a tremendous amount of content for nearly any price and the proceeds will go towards the American Red Cross. That sounds good enough for me.

$1 Tier

  • Arma: Cold War Assault
  • Arma: Gold Edition
  • Arma Tactics

Beat the Average Tier

  • Arma 2
  • Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead
  • Arma 2: British Armed Forces
  • Arma 2: Private Military Company
  • Arma 2: Army of the Czech Republic

$15 Tier

  • Arma 3
  • Arma 3 Karts
  • Arma 3 Helicopters
  • Arma 3 Marksmen

$20 Tier

  • Arma 3 Apex

Humble Arma 2018 Bundle [Humble Bundle]