This horse messing up a Zelda: Breath of the Wild puzzle is a riot



I can’t tell you how many times I’ve attempted Zelda: Breath of the Wild puzzle, only to be thwarted by a slight physics nuance or some small detail I just never noticed. Awareness is a skill in this game, as the environment could shift on a whim and screw up your puzzle solution. Like this amazing video here from Reddit RainbowInTheDork.

Perfectly titled “What the-where is my Kor..oh,” the creator is justifiably wondering where their korok seed reward is for solving this basket Zelda: Breath of the Wild puzzle. They put the apples in the right baskets….everything should be…oh. The damn horse!

Again, I finished Zelda: Breath of the Wild before launch and encountered a ton of these little silly personalized emergent events; but it wasn’t until the game was released to the general public that I really saw its potential. “The flaming bear” was one of the first clips I ever witnessed, and I never really went back. I was hooked on Zelda videos.

Animal-based clips are super popular too, and even spawned into “All Dog Treasure” speedruns. Games have been leaning hard into “can you pet the” memes, and I fully expect Breath of the Wild 2 to embrace it even further.