FFVI's Locke Cole is out now in Final Fantasy Dissidia NT



Dissidia NThasn’t made any strides in the eSports department, but I still find myself going back to it and enjoying it quietly. I’ll be booting it up again this week for sure with the advent of Locke Cole — the crafty Final Fantasy VIthief that was just added by way of DLC.

If you sprang for the season pass ($30) you’ll get him as part of your purchase; otherwise he’s six smackeroos. Locke’s gimmick involves stealth and steal, the latter of which actually purloins resources from your opponent. If you’re still plugging away at Dissidia NTon PS4, check him out in the video below to see if he’s cool enough to warrant the cash.

On another completely stray note, one of my favorite-but-flawed shows, The Affair, just kicked off its fourth season and has a character namedCole Lockhart, which is dangerously close to “Locke Cole”. Coincidence? Probably, butJoshua Jackson does steal hearts.