Let's give away a PS4 and ten copies of Black Ops III


Courtesy of Amazon

The next few days are going to be very lucrative for Big Video Game. What with the release of Black Ops III, Fallout 4, and Rise of the Tomb Raider, these fat cats and big wigs are going to sit atop their wobbly ivory towers of game cases and season pass inserts getting richer while we get poorer. Let’s fight back. Let’s cut into their margins. We’re Robbin’ the Hood.

Our ammunition comes courtesy of Amazon, who has given us one limited edition Call of Duty PlayStation 4 and ten digital copies of Black Ops IIIon PS4 to give away. If you’re not down with our version of Project Mayhem, Amazon also sells Black Ops IIIfor $60. It’ll come to your house in a few days and you can bask in the shame of knowing you sold out the cause.

Alternatively, Amazon’s doing a thing where it’s delivering Black Ops IIIat midnight on November 6 in select cities through the new Amazon Prime Now program. If you’ve never used Amazon Prime Now, the game will come at a $20 discount. More details on that here, you traitor.

Have we separated the wheat from the chaff, yet? You, friends — you’re all chaff. Or are you wheat? I can’t remember which is the good one. Anyway, read on, freedom fighters.

Here’s what you have to do to maybe get your hands on these sweet wares. Leave a comment telling us about a time you fought The Man. Maybe you slyly went around your boss’ back, maybe you punched the bully at school. Maybe you’re Ron Paul. If you’ve never stood up to The Man in any way, shape, or form, make up a fantasy scenario about doing it, you yeller-bellied coward.

Like always, Mike Martin’s in charge of picking winners. You have to impress, bribe, or kidnap him to stand a chance of winning. (But really, winners are random, so you have to do none of that.) But, the dude wouldn’t object to a nice Edible Arrangement showing up at his door.

Winners will be selected on November 6. We’ll send out codes for the game shortly thereafter. The PS4 winner will have to email us an address, and Amazon will ship the console out sometime around November 10. Good luck, you little hell raisers.

Black Ops III, Amazon Prime Now [Amazon]