Super Bomberman R is practically a new game after a series of updates


Grand Prix Mode was just added as well as more characters

Konami has been low key updating Super Bomberman Rthroughout the year, and it’s worked out rather well for the game.

While I did enjoy it overall at launch it wasn’t without its issues, some of which have been smoothed out due to content drops and performance patches. This week Bomberman Ris getting a 3v3 Grand Prix mode, new “arena” maps, more multiplayer levels, a new “World 7” campaign with extra bosses, nine more characters (one of which is Goemon), and extra pets.

Every time I see “free DLC,” “no microtransactions,” and “Konami” in the same story, I have to do a double take. But here we are in 2017, and they did one thing right.