System Shock 3 might happen, but a remake of the original is coming first


It’d need publisher backing

System Shockis a series that has exerted its influence on a good number of modern games. BioShockhas always been said to be a spiritual successor to System Shock 2; BioShock is certainly known for the way it helped shape and direct a lot of titles during the last generation of gaming. That wouldn’t have been possible without System Shock.

The point is that System Shock is deep-rooted in modern gaming history whether many know it or not. For anyone who missed it the first time ’round, they’re going to get another opportunity to play it.

Developer Night Dive revealed that it has the rights to the franchise now and that it will remake the original System Shock. It’s unknown at this time exactly how much polish and modernization will go into the project. Night Dive says that it’ll be talking more about the remake “soon.”

Taking the defibrillator to the series might shock new life into it. Night Dive says that it’s “having some conversations” about the possibility of System Shock 3, but admits that the undertaking would need publisher funding. One step at a time, and the first step is this remake.

@NightDiveStudio [Twitter via PCGamer]