This fan-made video has me pining for a real Mario Kart 8 battle mode


Why did it have to suck

After following up 7, Mario Kart 8was a breath of fresh air. I loved playing it for months on end, there was just one major problem — the “battle mode” sucked. I called Nintendo “out of their mind” back in 2014, and I stand by that statement to this day. I can’t believe they never patched arenas in!

Well, the folks over at TheBitBlock have created what’s called a “Make Believe Digital Event,” in which they mock-up their dream content for big Nintendo games. This episode features Animal Crossing, Mario Party, and most importantly, Mario Kart 8. They envision aDelfino Plaza battle stage that takes place in an actual arena (it starts at 8:40).

What a cute mockup!