What's that? Fable Legends may not be dead after all


Discussions happening to ‘save’ the project

When Microsoft dropped the news that Fable Legends was canceled, it was important to note that Lionhead Studios wasn’t necessarily closed down entirely — there were merely “discussions” to do so. That little tidbit may have saved the project, as multiple sources from MCV have reported that the game may be saved yet.

Apparently staff are being offered an opportunity to “continue working on Legends,” or “accept a redundancy package.” Freelancers have already vacated, but contract employees may have a chance at staying. It’s a peculiar arrangement all around, but it was always a possibility given the wording Microsoft used.

Microsoft declined to comment of course, but it’s possible that Fable Legends may rise one day from these ashes.

Fable Legends may live on [MCV] Thanks Jeff!