Yoot Saito is teasing a new Seaman project


I’m there

Seaman might be returning. Can they — can they do that?

Yoot Saito, the creator of the oddball Dreamcast game about talking to and raising a human-faced fish, seems to be putting the early word out there, but there isn’t much of anything to show yet.

Seemingly, a new project is being started. Guess what from the web-address on their back. pic.twitter.com/h9eiUjGosL

— 斎藤由多加 (@YootSaito) May 25, 2017

We last heard from Saito at BitSummit 2016, where he revealed his intention to get back into games, possibly with a spiritual successor. He also said “The risk takers are always… Sexy. I love them.”

For now, aside from this tweet and an earlier one shared on May 22, there’s only a simple “Under Construction” website. I have to imagine this is all building up to an inevitable Kickstarter campaign.

I’m also reminded that we never got Seaman 3DS, dang it all.

Yoot Saito [Twitter]